Third Annual Casey Benefit Concert Scheduled For April 14th
Phi Sigma Pi -Alpha Epsilon Chapter has scheduled the third annual Casey Feldman benefit concert for April 14, 2012 in the Sykes Student Ballrooom at West Chester University, West Chester, PA. It is set to commence at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are a mere $5 at the door. Once again this year, all proceeds will benefit NOYS, the National Organizations For Youth Safety, which has co-sponsored the YOUTH-Turn program with the Casey Feldman Foundation.
Live bands will provide entertainment, Casey’s parents will speak and local vendors have offered goods and services for raffle. Join us on April 14th or make a donation to the Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation.
Go to News and Updates on this Foundation site and click on West Chester University Phi Sigma Pi to read about the last two benefit concerts.