Casey Feldman Foundation Fordham Scholarship Recipient Interns at Philanthropic Fashion Magazine

Emma Childs
For Emma Childs, the proud 2018 recipient of the Casey Feldman Foundation Fordham College Lincoln Center (FCLC) scholarship, the sky’s the limit when it comes to her dream of growing her own fashion and art publication. Currently a sophomore at FCLC, Emma has been working as the Editor-In-Chief for her own magazine since 2013 when she was just a high school student. Despite working hard to maintain a stellar GPA she has done an amazing job of balancing her academic life with her professional life.
The Casey Feldman Foundation scholarship provides funding for Emma to be paid for her internship this semester as a Fashion Media & Editorial Intern with Mission Magazine in NYC. Mission Magazine combines fashion and philanthropy, donating all of the proceeds from their publication to theme-related charities such as women’s empowerment and environmental justice. Emma’s position at Mission Magazine is dynamic in nature and entails researching products, contacting contributors, creating presentations and databases, as well as assisting with the creative content produced. She’s involved in a little bit of every aspect of their media.
Working for Mission Magazine has not been Emma’s first experience in the world of Media, Fashion, & Communications. In the four years prior to receiving this internship she had another unpaid internship with The Current Quarterly which is located on Cape Cod and uses the fashion industry to support local businesses. While working with The Current Quarterly, Emma was able to thoroughly embrace the fashion world by doing tasks such as organizing fashion shows, writing fashion-related editorials for various issues of the publication, as well as contributing her own personal blog posts for the publication’s website. Emma found her niche in the fashion world and she has fully owned it.
After graduating from Fordham, Emma hopes to dive back into her magazine, Childs Play, that she put on hold in order to focus on her Mission Magazine internship. The Casey Feldman Scholarship will now allow Emma to explore her dreams with fewer financial stressors so that she can continue to give her all to everything that she does within and outside of her internship.
We look forward to watching Emma do amazing things for herself and the world around her!