Foundation Scholarship Recipients Recognized at Fordham Awards Banquet

Foundation Scholarship Recipients Recognized at Fordham Awards Banquet

Brooke Burdge (left), Joel Feldman, Dianne Anderson and Ashley Wennersherron at the Senior Leadership Awards Banquet

Fordham University recognized Brooke Burdge  and Ashley Wennersherron at the Senior Leadership Awards banquet held on April 27, 2010  in the Atrium at  the Lincoln Center campus. Brooke and Ashley were recognized  as the first  recipients of the Casey A. Feldman Memorial Scholarship which was established at Fordham University, where Casey was a senior at the time of her death. Brooke and Ashley were both friends of Casey and had worked with her on the  Fordham student newspaper, The Observer. Rev. Michael Tueth, S.J., Associate Chair of the Department of Communications and Media recognized the recipients. In noting just a few of the many impressive undertakings of these  fine young women, Father Tueth  mentioned that both Brooke and Ashley made time in their schedule to do volunteer work with animals (something  also dear to Casey’s heart).

Both women received a $2,000 scholarship this semester from the Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation to assist with finances while performing unpaid internships. Brooke interned in the Sales and Marketing Department of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Central Park. Ashley interned at CNN in the Medical News Department. Brooke hopes to secure full time employment with The Ritz upon graduation and Ashley will be attending Columbia University doing graduate work in journalism. [See the Foundation’s previous news article, “Congratulations Brooke and Ashley!” ,1-14-10, for more information.]

Ashley also received  the University’s  Journalism Award and Brooke, an award as nominee for a Senior Leadership Award.

[Note: Watch the video of Father Tueth recognizing Brooke and Ashley and see more photos from the awards banquet . Give other deserving young people opportunities and contribute to the Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation.

Dianne Anderson is the mother of the late Casey Feldman and co-founder of the The Casey Feldman Foundation and its sponsored project,

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