The Springfield Press and The News of Delaware County (12.30.09) “Her sparkling spirit remembered”

The Feldman family used some 19,000 pink lights to decorate their 300 year old sycamore tree in Casey's memory.
Published: December 30, 2009, Springfield Press and The News of Delaware County
With the help of local arborist Steve McFarland, Dianne Anderson has decorated an 80-foot-tall Sycamore with 19,000 pink lights. The lights are to memorialize the sparkling spirit of Anderson’s daughter Casey Feldman who lost her life last summer while crossing a street in Ocean City, N.J. McFarland of Aldan, and a former Longwood Gardens employee, used a piece of cherry picking equipment to decorate the 325-year-old, native Sycamore tree with pink lights, which was Feldman’s favorite color. Four workers took helped in the project, which took three full days to complete The tree, on Ridge Lane in Springfield, is to remember Feldman, a Springfield High School graduate and a student at Fordham University, who loved Christmas.
Read the original article here.