Casey Feldman Foundation Founders on The Today Show – View the Segment
-->Parents of the late Casey Feldman and founders of The Casey Feldman Foundation, Joel Feldman and Dianne Anderson were on The Today Show this morning talking about Casey and distracted
“If everyone had her sense of giving there would be less suffering” – Our 2015 SHS Scholarship Recipient
-->....During high school Erin volunteered each summer for the Appalachia Service Project, where she repaired homes for low income families in Central Appalachia making their humble abodes warm, safe and
Please Conisder Donating to our Foundation on this Giving Tuesday
-->Today is Giving Tuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back to the world or to your community. Despite being a small non-profit, The Casey Feldman Foundation has awarded over
PIIE Scholarship Internship at Women’s Health Center Reinforces Recipient’s Desire to Pursue a Medical Career
-->University of Colorado, Boulder 2015 Public Interest Internship Experience (PIIE) scholarship recipient Ramya Palaniappan’s experience working as Development Event Assistant at the Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center was transformative and
Trip on Border Issues Forces Scholarship Recipient Charly Mendoza to Wrestle With Inner Past Demons
-->For University of Colorado (CU) Boulder student Charly Mendoza, a Casey Feldman Foundation scholarship has helped him experience a “one of a kind” spring break trip. The trip was designed
With an Open Mind and Open Heart, Scholarship Recipient Strives to Use her Passion and Energy to Help Others
-->“Stoked and blessed” is how Madeline Gross, a Junior Anthropology major at the University of Colorado at Boulder described her reaction to being selected as the recipient of a Casey