Ten Years Later, Casey Feldman’s Values Still Resonate
--> Casey was the News Editor of The Observer, Fordham University's student newspaper. In this feature article, The Observer remembers Casey and highlights the work of The Casey Feldman Foundation
First Generation College Student Awarded Casey Feldman Foundation Scholarship
-->First-generation college student, Kylie Davis is one of this year's Casey Feldman Foundation Alternative Spring Break scholarship recipients. Working 35 hours per week at 3 different jobs to make ends
A Summer at the Chef Ann Foundation: What One Intern Learned
-->For the second year in a row, the Casey Feldman Foundation has sponsored a summer intern at the Chef Ann Foundation. Learn why Ally Roberts chose to be a School
My Memorable Internship Experience Made Possible by the Casey Feldman Foundation
-->For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in working in the nonprofit sector. I remember feeling so lucky that I was able to intern at
Foundation Scholarship Recipient Caroline King Pursues her Passion At Temple University
-->Casey Feldman Foundation Springfield High School Scholarship Recipient, Caroline King, wasted no time in her first year at Temple University! Passionate about local news and reporting, Caroline and several
An Exceptional Student, Jason Breslin Receives the Casey Feldman Foundation Springfield High School Scholarship
-->Our Foundation SHS scholarship recipient Jason Breslin likes to challenge himself with physics questions and math puzzles for the “pure joy” of having the eureka moment when he discovers the